I wanted  save the garage as one of the last tasks after I tackle all of the decluttering inside of the house. Because we all know where everything ends up after we declutter everything on the inside. Right? You’ve come this far so don’t leave all of the things you decluttered and leave it in the garage. Start by going through and decluttering everything that was in garage BEFORE  you brought out all the things you decluttered in the house. Get that organized or at least all on one side where know what you’re keeping in the garage. Now the things that you brought out of the house from your decluttering you know you will either donate or sell. Organize the things you are selling for a garage sale or yard sale and set up for an upcoming weekend sale if possible.  Sell everything you can during the sale and donate the rest. You can also post your “sell” stuff in an online yard sale group. Give yourself an allotted time how long you try to sell these items online. If your things do not sell within your time frame, donate it.  Be sure to take everything you didn’t sell to a donation place as soon as possible after the sale or the allotted time frame to sell.  Immediately after if possible.

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